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Always On: Your Employees Are Working and Driving

Don't text and drive About 20% of information workers report that they have conducted work related activities from a mobile device while driving. That’s just one of the findings reported in a Unisys and IDC survey on the consumerization of the enterprise released today. The survey has a number of expected findings – employees are using their own devices for work, IT sees mobile support as a priority, etc.

But the survey also puts some numbers on the current “always on” nature of work in the post-PC era.


Here are the percentages of respondents who reported work-related e-mail, posting or Tweeting during the following activities:

  • In bed: 29%
  • While on vacation: 49%
  • While talking on the phone: 40%
  • When riding in a car: 47%
  • When driving a car: nearly 20%
  • While at a place of worship: 5%

There is still a disconnect between workers and employers with regards to consumer devices in the enterprise. Employers believe that only 34% of their employees use personal devices for work, but 69% of employees claim to use their own devices for work. Past Unisys data we’ve reported also found a disconnect between employers and employees, but in that survey 95% of workers reported using self-purchased devices for work.

Organizations are falling behind in preparing customer-facing sites for mobile devices. Only 6% of decision makers report having done so, and 89% say they have no plans do to do so in the next year.

Photo by Jason Weaver


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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