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16 of Top 20 Phones Run Android on Millenniall’s Network

Millennial june2011Mobile ad network Millennial Media is out with its report for June and the numbers look good for Android. 16 of the top 20 devices on the network run Google’s mobile OS, keeping Android as the leading OS on the network for the 7th consecutive month. Android also accounts for a 54% impression share, says Millennial.

Other major findings this month include a growth in iOS impressions and connected devices (e.g. iPad, iPod Touch, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc.).





Millennial says that Apple is still the leading device manufacturer on its network, representing 30% of the Top 15 Manufacturers impression share. The iPhone is also still the number one phone on the network with 16% of the impression share.

iOS impressions (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) grew 18% quarter-over-quarter, while Android impressions grew 11%.


Samsung grew 10% month-over-month, and is the number 2 manufacturer for the 5th consecutive month. The impression share from the Samsung Nexus S more than doubled last month, moving the phone into the #4 spot on the Mobile Phones chart.


HTC is in the #4 position on the Top Manufacturers chart, representing 10% of the impression share. The new HTC Thunderbolt showed up on the charts this month, as #19 on the Top Mobile Phones ranking.

RIM & Windows Phone 7

Both RIM & Windows Phone saw quarter-over-quarter growth in impression share, with RIM up 29% and Windows Phone up 31%.

Connected Devices

Although smartphones (65%) led feature phones and connected devices in the month’s device mix, connected devices (i.e. tablets and the iPod Touch) grew 13% month-over-month to account for 18% of the impression share.


Millennial also released highlights from InsightExpress’ Mobile Consumer Research study, which found that consumers in Q2 2011 increasingly used tablets for activities where they had previously used other technologies like TVs, PCs or e-Readers.

27% of consumers reduced their Web-surfing on the PC, 29% checked email less frequently on the PC, 23% used their e-Reader less often, 27% watched fewer videos on the PC and 19% watched less TV after a tablet purchase.


Developer Trends

For mobile app developers, Millennial reported seeing 12% quarter-over-quarter growth for iOS and 14% for Android. iOS represented 49% of the Application Platform Mix by Revenue, while Android was at 41%.


Games were still the top app category, with 27% of the impressions. Music & Entertainment grew 13% quarter-over-quarter and the sub-category of Music & Audio accounted for two-thirds of those impressions in Q2.


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