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SocialSpring’s New Enterprise Microblogging Services

socialspring150.jpgIntridea, the folks behind microblogging, will roll out a series of new corporate social media services on Tuesday under the label. First off, Presently will be henceforth rebranded as Stream. Added to it will be two entirely new services called Answers and Links.


Answers looks a lot like Quora or SocialText or other Q&A-style social services, see the screenshot below.
socialspring answers.jpg

The Links service is another URL-shortening service with a few added features, including being able to password-protect the shortened link and also have it automatically expire, appropriate for doing time-sensitive demos for example. It looks like this:

socialstream links.jpg

One issue to SocialSpring will be how quickly it can be adopted and deployed across a company. Obviously, the more ubiquitous the apps, the more useful it will be for a workgroup or entire enterprise.

Pricing for the three services is based on per user per month charges of $2 for Stream and Answers, and $1 for Links, with free trial versions available. Installations can either be hosted on Intridea’s cloud or behind a corporate firewall, the latter is already being used by some early customers.


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