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OpenCulture Curates Original Audio & Video of Our Cultural Icons

openculture150.pngOpenCulture has put together an astonishing collection of audio and video of 230 cultural icons. The media allows us to see and hear mythic contributors to culture as the men and women they were and are.

This collection extends from audio of the French poet Guillaume Apollinaire reading his poem “Le pont Mirabeau” from the book Alcools in 1913 to video of Nelson Mandela’s first TV interview in 1961 to Steve Jobs demoing the first Mac in 1984 to video of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle talking about the origin of Sherlock Holmes.


Footage of Irish author James Joyce.

Ian Fleming, British creator of James Bond, interviews Raymond Chandler, American creator of Philip Marlowe.

American poet Sylvia Plath reading her poem “Daddy.” (Editor’s note: HOLY CRAP!)

American musician Patti Smith talks about photographer Robert Mapplethorpe

Spanish painter Pablo Picasso painting on glass

John Coltrane plays “My Favorite Things.”


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