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Need SEO Training in the UK?

Yesterday, we had a client in our offices near Sheffield (UK) for a full day’s training in search engine optimisation (SEO).

And we had a ball! I always love training and it’s very rewarding to be able to pass on the information about what really matters when it comes to promoting your websites, in just a few hours.

I know that, armed with the knowledge that matters, any website owner can go out and easily access more traffic with 100% confidence.

Yesterday there were three people from this particular client, and they got an immense amount of value from the day. They have had good results from Google AdWords for years, but as we know, AdWords is getting more competitive every day, and many smaller business are finding they don’t have the time or expertise to compete. If you can’t optimise your AdWords effort, you’ll quickly get outbid by competitors who can.

These guys were only getting a fraction of their traffic from organic SEO – simply because they didn’t have the expertise. Jimmy and I were able to give them the expertise they needed in just one day…

Here’s what we covered:

  • Keyword research – Generating a wide range of potential search phrases; how to shift your perspective and discover the words that your prospects use; evaluating the size of markets
  • Keyword analysis – Using tools to identify which keywords/phrases could be potential targets for your SEO
  • Competitive analysis – How to evaluate each potential term to know how much work it would take to get good traffic
  • Prioritisation – Choosing target search terms to harvest first, going for the low-hanging fruit; how to define a simple and effective long-term SEO strategy
  • On-site optimisation – The factors that  really matter for creating web pages focused around your search terms
  • Link Building – Techniques for generating the right kind of inbound links; getting the maximum results for the time you invest
  • plus dozens of other tips and tools, including a review of conversion optimisation!

Plus – as we worked through this sequence, we applied the knowledge to their real business context. So they were able to take away knowledge that they can apply immediately that will help them reach new FREE traffic.

This knowledge really is worth money to any business that has a website, whether that site markets your main business, or is actually your primary sales channel.

Put simply, if you are not mastering SEO in-house, you’re missing out on cheap, regular traffic. I believe that you are the best people to do your search engine optimisation. It should be an on-going practice – tapping in to new traffic every month. And it’s quite easy once you know how!

If you’re a UK-based business and you’re not applying SEO mastery, I’d love to chat about providing a day’s training for your team.

Contact me here.

Posted in Editorial Pick, General, Web, Web Design.

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