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Help Me Interview John Borthwick

borthwick.jpgJohn Borthwick is doing a fireside chat with me next week at our 2WAY Summit. If you aren’t familiar with John, he is the CEO of Betaworks, one of the most fascinating companies focused on building internet-focused startups today.

You may not be familiar with Betaworks but you certainly are familiar with some of their companies: Tweetdeck and Summize (both acquired by Twitter), as well as other startups still independent (at least for now) like Bitly, Social Flow, Chartbeat and


The focus of our conversation will be on the lessons John has learned about designing products and businesses for the emerging Web. As a general framework to explore these lessons I’m planning on talking to John about the past, present and future of Betaworks.

As fellow entrepreneurs, I’d love suggestions from the ReadWriteStart community on topics you’d like to see discussed. To get the creative juices flowing you can check Richard MacManus’s two part interview with John our our site last year.

Also, if you haven’t registered yet – get your tickets now with the discount code “BETA” to get $200 off and enjoy two days of amazing conversations about The Future of the Internet.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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