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Fuze Meeting Now Integrates With High-End Telepresence Systems

FuzeBox wants to make telepresence a less proprietary, boxed-in experience for businesses. To do this, they’ve begun integrating Fuze Meeting, their cross-platform online meeting product, with high-end telepresence systems like Polycom, Tandberg and LifeSize.

This move lets companies hang onto their legacy teleconference solutions while easily extending their functionality onto smart phones and tablet devices.


Fuze Telepresence Connect, as it’s called, is “the world’s first telepresence gateway for H.323, SIP and H.264 that links high end telepresence systems to a personal device such as iPad, Android and Honeycomb tablets, as well as PCs and Macs,” according to a statement from the company.

Some of its key features include HD multi-party video conferencing, error resilience, resolution and rate matching and support for video standards.

Fuze is a Web-based videoconferencing application on par with GoToMeeting and WebEx. It was the first such product to make its way onto Android tablets and the first to offer the ability to schedule meetings directly from tablets, rather than having to do so from a desktop.



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