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Fred Wilson on "Content Shifting": How Our Multiple Devices & Platforms Change Our Media Consumption

Find an article you want to read while you’re browsing the Web on your laptop, and Instapaper it so you can read it later on your iPad. Notice a video that a friend shares via Facebook, and flag it to watch later on your home TV via Boxee. Hear a band you like on YouTube, and look for it on Rdio or visa versa.

Increasingly we are finding ourselves consuming more and more content from different online sources, and consuming that content in different ways – on laptops, on mobile phones, and on Internet TV, for example. How does this change our needs and our desires – for both the content and the technology that supports it?

Earlier this year, investor Fred Wilson observed this phenomenon that he called “content shifting” – the desire and (sometimes) the ability to shift content across a variety of Internet platforms to a variety of connected devices.


Today at ReadWriteWeb’s 2Way Summit in New York City, Wilson gave a keynote on content shifting and how this is changing the way in which we consume media.

Wilson believes that content shifting will provide major opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs as it’s “still too hard to do this kind of thing.”

Wilson pointed to four things he think will be important to consider: how we “microchunk” content, that we free it, syndicate it, and monetize it.

You can also find the slides from Wilson’s talk here. We’ll have video from the talk online later today.


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