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Cotendo Announces New Mobile Content Acceleration Tools

cotendo150.jpgCDN services provider Cotendo announced today what they claim is the world’s first purpose-built Mobile Acceleration Suite. Designed to specifically eliminate latencies found on mobile broadband networks, the suite will be able to take applications and tailor the content to any mobile device without customers have to rewrite their applications for each device.


The suite is both device aware and network aware so it can adjust the application not only to a particular mobile device, but also to changing network conditions. It potentially can save apps developers tons of time, since they won’t have to write as much custom device-specific code.

The suite is built upon Cotendo’s Cloudlet platform that is able to cache business logic at the edge – closer to the customer for faster response times. One of the first users is AT&T, who has been using the suite for several months. “We are excited that within two months of announcing our new Content Acceleration Suite in partnership with Cotendo we can now launch best-in-class mobile acceleration services to fulfill one of the most important requirements for our large enterprise customers,” says Sam Farraj, Assistant Vice President of AT&T Digital. Another user has seen performance improvements of a third in terms of download times.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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