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Burned by Apple, Tapjoy Puts up $5M to Help Developers Port to Android

android_guy_150x150.pngApp monetization and distribution service provider Tapjoy has just announced the launch of a $5 million fund to help iOS developers port their existing applications to Android. The news comes on the heels of Apple’s policy change, which affected all apps that used Tapjoy’s pay-per-install advertisements. Apple’s decision, said Tapjoy at the time, “is destroying the user experience and threatening the entire freemium model.”

Now, the company has a workaround: move to Android.


Android Fund Launches

With the new Android Fund, Tapjoy is offering to port the apps for the developers, test them and even offer “free marketing credits” for those who use the program. These credits can be used for new user acquisition through Tapjoy’s ad network.  Mobile analytics will also be provided.

Android Fund by Tapjoy

However, Tapjoy’s new direction with regard to Android doesn’t mean the company has given up on iOS, spokesperson Matt McAllister told AllThingsD:

“We are definitely turning more of our attention to Android from a sales and product perspective, but we still view iOS as very strategically important. Of course, without PPI it presents a challenge, but we’ve been adding lots of high-value, exclusive brand CPA offers like from Netflix, Gamefly, etc., and those actually seem to be working well. So yes, we’re still on iOS and believe it or not making good money there.”

After the Apple ban, Tapjoy released survey results from over 496 iOS developers, which found that nearly half of developers reported an increase in user complaints because of their inability to earn in-game currency by installing or engaging with other apps. With two-thirds of respondents reporting that at least 20% of their revenue came through the PPI (pay-per-install) model, the new Android offering may end up being a no-brainer for developers who rely on this type of monetization for their apps.

To be considered for the Android Fund, mobile game developers can sign up here:


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