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Black Hat Hacker Arrested in Britain, LulzSec Denies He Is One of Theirs

New_Scotland_Yard_150x150.jpgNew Scotland Yard has caught a black hat hacker believed to be of the Lulz Security hacker group, or so it thought. The British law enforcement agency is reporting that a 19-year-old male has been arrested in Essex, England by the e-Crime unit following an investigation into network intrusions and Distributed Denial of Service attacks.

Lulz is not quite claiming that the suspect is one of theirs. In a tweet, Lulz said “Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it’s all over now… wait… we’re all still here! Which poor bastard did they take down?”


A black hat hacker claims to have hacked the United Kingdom government and taken the census data from the country’s 2011 census. The hack was initially believed to be LulzSec but the group denies that it was them. Usually when a criminal hacker group pulls off a breach like that, it will claim responsibility (maybe sometimes if it was not them, just to gain the credit if no one has stepped forward).

LulzSec is believed to be behind a string of hacks on prominent U.S. agencies and the Senate, including the CIA and Lockheed Martin. If LulzSec is denying the U.K. census hack was one of theirs and the arrest of the 19-year-old Essex hacker, perhaps the two are related. See the Storify below for LulzSec’s response to the recent arrest and census data hack.


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