Codeplane is a new host for private Git repositories. It offers 2GB of space and unlimited private repositories for $9 a month. By comparison, a Github business plan with 50 private repositories would cost $100 a month. As pointed out on Hacker News, offers a similar service for $6, with the option of buying additional storage space in case you need more than 2GB.
Explaining why he founded Codeplane, founder Nando Vieira wrote “I have at least 40 private repositories, and I don’t want to expend $100 on Github’s business plan. These projects are mainly side projects, or small freelance jobs I’ve done through the years, and I want to save them for posterity; who knows when I’ll need them, right?”
Codeplane features:
- Both a Web-based interface and a command line interface.
- Unlimited users.
- SSH key deployment. features:
- Trac
- Custom domains
- WebDAV drives
Another alternative is Bitbucket, which allows unlimited free private repositories, but uses Mercurial instead of Git.
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