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YouTube Unveils Movies for Rent and Content Partnerships

youtube_150x150.pngYouTube announced today that it is adding around 3,000 movie titles available to rent on demand for users in the United States, confirming rumors from late April that said Google’s video service was looking to partner with major and independent studios to rollout premium content.

YouTube is also bolstering its investment in content with its 20,000-plus partners. Through YouTube Next the platform is attempting to grow original content by bolstering YouTubeNextUp and following up on past projects like Partner Grants that helped fund content creators. YouTube is available on 350 million devices with two billion views a day.


The aim for Google and YouTube is to attract users into the content honey pot of Internet video. Currently, according to YouTube, users are spending 15 minutes a day on the site yet five hours a day watching television. The goal for YouTube is to wipe away the line that is the difference between TV and online video.

“You’re finding more and more of the content you love on YouTube, which is now available on 350 million devices,” wrote Salar Kamangar, head of YouTube. “We know this because you’re watching videos to the tune of 2 billion views a day. But you’re spending just 15 minutes a day on YouTube, and spending five hours a day watching TV. As the lines between online and offline continue to blur, we think that’s going to change.”

For the first years of its existence, YouTube has been known for short-form user content and viral videos. Nothing about that is going to change. At the same time, Google has watched other video services like Netflix and Hulu mature to take the lead in long-form professional content. Just like other all inclusive Google services, YouTube wants to be the one-stop shop. It is clearly going after more of peoples’ total time spent consuming media, not just Internet media. The investment into original content through its partner channels makes YouTube more than just a platform provider but also a genuine content producer in it own right.

Warner Bros., Sony Pictures Entertainment and Universal studios were rumored to be in on the deal with YouTube. The YouTube blog promised that more information would be available later today on what movies and shows will be available. We will update here when we hear more information.


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