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Twittamentary: A Documentary By, For & About Twitter


There’s just something about the Internet that makes people go meta. Want to write a blog post? Why not write a blog post about writing blog posts? Or how about check-in on Foursquare to that Foursquare meetup? Take an Instagram of Instagram? Better yet, why not make a documentary film about Twitter using the site and its users in nearly every aspect of the film’s creation?

Tan Siok Siok, a documentary filmmaker from Singapore, is doing just that with Twittamentary, an "experimental documentary about the everyday people who use Twitter."


Much like Twitter asks a single question – "What’s happening?" – Twittamentary is focused around a single question as well: "How Twitter has affected your life and the lives of those around you?"

The most interesting part of Twittamentary, however, may be how the film’s creators went about putting it together, distributing it and showing it. "The movie fuses together a Documentary with real time Social Media interaction – where viewers can interact with the cast and production team, in real-time, while watching the movie. […] The entire movie," they explain, "is being evolved through interaction with Twitter users."

  • The movie is comprised of stories gathered via Twitter
  • The final stories were chosen using feedback on the web via Twitter
  • The contributors were filmed on a road trip from NY – Chicago – LA: with a production crew sourced via Twitter
  • Social Media users are interacting with – and shaping the narrative – via Twitter at live beta screening Tweetups
  • Virtual beta screenings are “unlocked” on this site with every 1,000 new followers of @Twittamentary on Twitter.
  • After this final round of crowd sourced feedback we’ll have a final cut ready to premier later in the year
  • Promotion will primarily be via… :-)


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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