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Top Freelance Jobs from Job Board – Week 4, May

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Looking for a new client? The FreelanceSwitch job board is a great resource of freelance gigs and opportunities. These opportunities are in various fields, from development to writing to design, and come from a wide range of potential clients. The job board is hand-moderated by dedicated staff and volunteers from the freelance community.

Each week, we’ll feature a selection of the best job opportunities posted for the week. This week, we’re featuring jobs in Web Design, Flash Dev, Copy Writing and more!

To apply for any of these jobs, simply pick up a FreelanceSwitch membership for an affordable $7 a month. See something you like? Join now!

Web Design

Budget: $5,000 to $10,000

Good reliable web designer with strong skills in conceptual design, art direction, and front-end design. Experience with word press is also a plus. Attention to detail, independent and hardworking, committed and able to meet deadlines when required. Really need someone who is available when need, we have a good work load so ample we can provide a steady stream of project assignments. If interested please provide portfolio, per hour rate. We use pay pal a majority of the time for compensation payout.

Learn more & apply!

Designer for Flash Project

Budget: $2,500 to $5,000

We need a designer for a flash project ASAP. We prefer local talent but are open to non-local. This is for a short project (1-2 weeks). If you are interested, contact me for more information and please include your preferred rate and some examples of your work.

Learn more & apply!

Copy Writer for Dental Websites

Budget: $100 to $500

I am a web marketing consultant who specializes in the dental field. I currently work with a copy writer who’s great, but I’m getting to the point where I need another writer. I am looking for someone who can write copy for dental websites. This stuff isn’t rocket science- it’s pretty simple. Each website consists of a home page, about us (doctor bio, general staff bio), dental services/procedures and contact us page. The dental services/procedures section is usually the biggest part.

Also important is the SEO aspect. I need someone who understands keyword placement within the copy.

Being that dentistry is a specialized topic, I need someone who can take bullet points, fragments and make it into good copy. If things work out well, in the future I’d like to be able to have you interview my clients directly- without me having to be the go-between.
In addition to the web copy, I’d like to find someone who could write copy for short blog posts and social media.

Learn more & apply!

Website Development with iPhone and iPad apps

Budget: $500 to $1,000

Web site develop for an Latest Apple Application tracking site is required.
Sufficient information on the site development detail including the working flow, general requirement etc will send to the applicant as request.

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Magento Developer

Budget: $5,000 to $10,000

This is not a design job, this is a development job. Boutique design agency looking for experienced Magento developer for a project. This project is for server-side development. There is frequent interaction with front end development team.

You, or your team, should speak fluent English and be willing to interface regularly with questions about Magento. Please reply with appropriate web-based portfolio of relevant Magento projects. Please also supply references. We will use either an individual or an agency, depending on the best fit.

Learn more & apply!

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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