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TikTok iPod Nano Watchbands Go From Kickstarter Project to the Apple Store

lunatik150.jpgIt’s the perfect Kickstarter success story: designer Scott Wilson posts a project to the crowdfunding website: designs for two iPod Nano watchbands – TikTok and LunaTik. The idea takes off, breaking almost every record on Kickstarter, including most funds raised ($941,718) and most backers (13,512). And now Apple announces its plans to begin carrying the designs in North American stores.

As Wilson points out in a recent interiew, his design for the watchbands really “gave the Nano a home.” It also gave consumers a reason to wear a stylishly techy watch and a reason to buy an iPod Nano – an Apple device that seemed to be lost in the shuffle (no pun intended) of iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. In fact, according to a survey of the Kickstarter project’s backers, over three-quarters of those who pledged actually had to purchase a Nano in order to use the watchband.


That figure no doubt helped Wilson leverage the Kickstarter project into the Apple retail stores. But as Wilson argued in the project’s pitch, the watchbands share Apple’s penchant for quality design and construction. Interestingly, the higher priced LunaTik band which more permanently affixes the Nano this way, has been the more popular item so far.

The wristbands will still be available via the company’s website, and Apple will be carrying the LunaTik in silver and red ($79.95) and the TikTok in black and white ($39.95).


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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