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Q&A Site Formspring Continues to Focus on Building Community

formspring150.jpgOn the heels of a site redesign in early April, the popular Q&A site Formspring has launched a new feature designed to help users more easily find and compare the answers from all their friends.

Aptly titled All Responses, the new feature will allow users to see everyone’s responses all at once. While the site has long allowed users to ask all their friends the same question simultaneously, users haven’t been able to see all the responses all together.

With this new feature, whenever a question gets more than a single response, you’ll see the number of Formspring users who’ve answered. Clicking on that number will give you an expanded view so you can see everyone’s responses all in one place.



The addition of this new feature follows a string of other features that the Q&A site has added in order to boost engagement on the site. Earlier this year, Formspring added “smiles,” for example, the equivalent of the “like.” It’s also added SMS capabilities, so that users can respond to questions via their phones.

Formspring sees about 10 million questions asked on the site per day. There are about 5 million “smiles” on the site per week as well. Popular with the under-20 crowd, the ability to ask questions anonymously there led some to associate Formspring with cyberbullying. But the site has worked very hard to implement changes to make that behavior less acceptable there. The smiles are one. But with the All Responses feature too, the Q&A feels less isolated and more open to a community.


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