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New Apps for Your iPhone and Android, April 2011 Edition

FlexT9: A powerful keyboard replacement app that’s much like SwiftKey and Swype combined as it supports speaking, tracing, writing and tapping, while offering word predictions at the top. ($4.99, Android Market)


Succotash: This location-predicting application uses your Google Latitude history to predict your current location, which can then be shared with friends. You sign into Succotash with your same Google Latitude account in order to use. Great for when your location goes stale. (Free, Android Market)


AutoCAD WS: This free app is a mobile CAD application that lets you use simple viewing, editing and markup tools to work on your designs while on the go. Sync files from the Web or upload directly from AutoCAD itself. (Free, Android Market)

PSX4Droid: Despite getting booted from the Android Market, this PlayStation emulator app popped up online soon after delisting. (Free, Off-Market)

Webroot Mobile Security: A new way to safe safe on Android, Webroot’s premium app blocks and removes malicious apps, protects your contacts and passwords, blocks phishing attempts, locates missing devices, stops unwanted calls and text spam, runs scans, analyzes the permissions given to apps and more. ($14.99, Android Market)

Webroot android

Bonus Section: New Tablet Apps on Page 2!

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