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New Apps for Your iPhone and Android, April 2011 Edition


Viewdle SocialCamera: This app (still in beta) lets you tag your friends in your mobile photo and then share directly with Facebook, Flickr, MMS or email. The built-in facial recognition will learn your friends’ faces in order to automatically tag them in future photos. (Free, Android Market)


Google Docs: An official app for Google Dcos lets you create, view, share and upload documents. You can also take a photo of printed text and convert it to a Google Doc. Our coverage. (Free, Android Market)

Google Docs Android

CNN App for Android Phones: This app brings the latest news, live video and iReport to your Android phone. (Free, Android Market)

Cnn android

Dock4Droid: This is a Mac-like task manager for Android. App icons are placed in a scrollable launcher at the bottom of the screen, which is completely customizable. ($1.02 for the premium version, Android Market)


SPB Shell 3D for Android: Expensive, but awesome, the SPB Shell app gives your phone an incredible new interface. In addition to serving as a homescreen replacement, there are new widgets, over 60 skins, folders, and more. Performance will vary on different devices. Engadget ran tests and reviewed the app here. ($14.95, Android Market)

Next page: Monthly apps review: Android

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