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New Apps for Your iPhone and Android, April 2011 Edition

Photofeed by Pixable: This new app aggregates your friends’ photos from several popular online services, including Facebook, Flickr, Instagram and others. (Free, iTunes)

Photofeed pixable 1

Cartoonatic: This iPhone app lets you record videos with cartoon effects. (Free, iTunes)


Atari’s Greatest Hits: Flashback time! Atari delivers retro gaming with over 100 Classic titles including 92 Atari 2600 Games and 18 Classic Atari Arcade Games. (Free, iTunes)


MessageParty: This older app recently changed from group chat to geo-blogging. Posts are tied to locations, making it sort of like a standalone version of Foursquare’s tips mixed with Twitter or a location-based Tumblr. We’re not sure, actually, but cool concept. (Free, iTunes)


Huddl: A free group messaging app that lets you share photos and send messages to private groups. (Free, iTunes)


8tracks: Music discovery service which lets friends share mixes with each other is now available on iPhone. As you listen, you can favorite individual tracks or playlists and then go purchase the songs on iTunes. TechCrunch has the review. (Free, iTunes)


Next page: Monthly apps review: iPhone

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