MealSnap: An ingenious app that lets you take a picture of your food to determine how many calories are in it. The app doesn’t always get things right of course, despite the human assistance on the backend – it thought my “Healthy Request” soup had over 1,000 calories! But it does well when it can see a picture with a brand logo on it, we’ve found. ($2.99, iTunes)
Tweetbot: A beautiful new Twitter iPhone app with all the standard features, but with an improved and efficient design. Our coverage. ($1.99, iTunes)
TweetDeck: Not a new app per se, but a complete “re-imagining” makes this 2.0 redesign feel brand-new. The app still offers columns, but adds support for Twitlonger competitor Deck.ly and more. Our coverage. (Free, iTunes)
Photosynth: This iOS app lets you stitch together multiple images to create a 360 degree panoramic photo. You can then share the photo back to Facebook or post it to Bing Maps. Our coverage. (Free, iTunes)
Fahrenheit: This new weather app for iPhone actually puts the current temperature on your home screen. About time! (Also, thanks.) ($0.99, iTunes)
Next page: Monthly apps review: iPhone
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