Skip to content’s Socialcam Gets a Website

Socialcam, the mobile social video sharing app by, hit the App Store around two months ago and quickly became a favorite (for me, at least) for quick mobile video sharing. Like Instagram, however, it lacked just one thing – a website.

Today, Socialcam got just that and it makes it easy to go beyond just watching a single video, letting you sit at home and browse your friends’ profiles and see what else they’ve posted.


Just like Instagram, Socialcam launched as a Web-only app, but users could view individually shared posts on the Web, so it wasn’t a huge deal. For example, whenever you share a video on Socialcam, you can immediately share it to Twitter and even tag friends on Facebook and it appears there. For Facebook sharing, it will even post the video to the walls of those people you tag in the video.

You couldn’t, however, click on that link and then browse through other videos shared by that person. Now, you can. For example, this is my Socialcam profile and it’s completely open to the public.


Why is this good? Sometimes, mobile feels like a great point for creation, but not the best for consumption. Do I really feel like browsing profiles and perusing videos on my phone? Sometimes, yes, but not always. If I have a computer, why not take advantage of the full-screen experience?

Oh, and if you were wondering about that bathroom video, it’s awesome. Disco bathroom. For you San Franciscans, I highly recommend it.


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