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Calipso: A CMS Built with Node.js and MongoDB

Calipso logo Move over Zotonic, there’s a new asynchronous, next-gen content management system in town.

Calipso is a CMS written in Node.js and using MongoDB as its database. According to the project website, Calipso doesn’t feature caching yet but can support around 180 hits a second. You can find it in Github here.


Calipso, Node.js CMS, screenshot

Calipso was built with the Node.js framework Express and the MongoDB object modeling tool Mongoose.

This is the first full fledged Node.js-based CMS we’ve seen, though Tim Caswell did build a blogging engine based on Node.js and Git called Wheat.

Calipso was created by London-based developer Clifton Cunningham. Cunningham has worked on several Node.js and Drupal project in the past.


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