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Anonymous Targets Iran

anonymous iran.jpgThe same week that Freedom House called Iran the world’s worst Internet offender, the hacking group Anonymous has begun striking at the country. Officially set to begin on Sunday, some reports indicate the politically-inspired hacking has already commenced, with messages left on several of the websites previously defaced by Iran’s government-supported “Cyber Army.”

According to the group’s press release, the attack officially begins Sunday, May 1 – a labor holiday.

“A new dawn appears to you and your country will be free from the chains of oppression, tyranny and torture. You can finally exhale and take a new breath of air that will fill you with strength, wisdom and freedom.”



The sites already hacked show this message:

“This Site Is Hacked By Anonymous Hackers .#OpIran
FuCk Y0u 1Ranian G0urment.
#OpIran Is here, You GTFO
..:: H4x012 Was Here::..

Special Fuck You To : Ashiyaneh Digital Security Team & Montazer 313 & Iranian Cyber Army”

Anonymous moved from attacking businesses that withdrew their services from embattled Wikileaks leader Julian Assange to attacking countries. Initially they targeted Zimbabwe and Tunisia, later Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain. They have focused on countries notorious for their restrictions on free speech.

If “Operation Iran” goes the same way that past attacks have, distributed denial of services attacks will be aimed at key, and high profile, government websites.

Here is a video version of the press release.

Other sources: The Hackers News, CNET, GMA News


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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