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A Video Message from ReadWriteWeb 2WAY Summit Host Alex Blagg

blagg_2way.jpgAccording to Internet expert and ReadWriteWeb 2WAY Summit Master of Ceremonies Alex Blagg, content farms are destroying the fabric of the planet. Is there a better way for folks to get guaranteed super viral content? There sure is!

That’s why Alex will also be bringing his brand new Internet Content Mass Manufacturing Facility Warehouse Superstore to the 2WAY Summit in New York City on June 13-14.


Whether you’re looking for top 10 lists, embarrassing celebrity photos, or other type of Internet content gold, we’ll have you covered.

Not sure what type of content you’re looking for? Check out in the video below what Alex will have available for consumption at the 2WAY Summit.

Ready to sign up? Follow this link for an exclusive discount on any ticket level.



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