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2 More Social Media Analytics Companies Get Snapped Up

Scout Labs analytics screenshot 150x150 Buddy Media, the Facebook content management company we profiled earlier this year, announced that it will acquire social media sharing and analytics company Spinback.

And earlier this week Tap11 was acquired by AVOS, the new company from YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen.

These moves follow’s high profile acquisition of Radian6 in March.


Buddy Media and Spinack

Buddy Media is a small, young company but it has big name clients like ABC, Johnson & Johnson and Target. Buddy Media Director of Communications Joe Ciarallo told us that eight of the 10 biggest brands in terms of advertising spending are Buddy Media clients.

Spinback offers two products: EasyShare, a browser plugin that enables users to easily share content through social media, and EasyTrack Analytics, its social media analytics tool. SpinBack’s offering is comparable to other sharing/analytics tools like AddThis, which just received $20 in funding.

According to the announcement, Spinback’s team will join Buddy Media full time.

Lithium and Scout Labs

This acquisition actually happened in May of last year, not this year.

Lithium is an enterprise social media company that re-invented itself in 2009 as a social CRM vendor. Scout Labs was one of Radian6’s most most serious competitors. It seems like a perfect fit for the two companies.

According to Lithium’s announcement, “Lithium will fully integrate Scout Labs’ social media monitoring and analytics into the Lithium platform while continuing to offer Scout Labs’ solution as a stand-alone product.”

AVOS and Tap11

AVOS’ acquisition of Tap11 follows its acquisition of Delicious. According to its announcement:

“Our vision is to create the world’s best platform for users to save, share, and discover new content,” said Hurley. “With the acquisition of Tap11, we will be able to provide consumer and enterprise users with powerful tools to publish and analyze their links’ impact in real-time.”

Who’s Next?

AddThis, AddtoAny, bitly, HootSuite and Viralheat are all probably looking pretty good right now.

Which company do you think will be the next social analytics company to be acquired?


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