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1st Interactive 3D Human Body Search Engine Debuts

heart.pngToday, Healthline released the first three-dimensional, interactive, online search tool for the entire human body, BodyMaps.

Health BodyMaps is an exhaustive set of searchable body maps – think Gray’s Anatomy meets CT scan. It comes with a library of medical and treatment knowledge, but the central focus of the tool are the colored, interactive maps of everything from the pancreas to the digestive system to the body as a whole.


bodymaps.pngBodyMaps, which runs Flash, does not require the download of any additional software. The interface is attractive and easy both to understand and navigate.

Choosing either a male or female body, the user can mouse over parts of the figure, then click to get information on body parts, which includes text but also a 360-degree animation of the part, say a shoulder or knee. Above the central frame, in a row of slides, different aspects of the figure or body part (muscular, skeletal, etc.) can be accessed by a click. Above the figure you can also navigate by search term.

In the right-hand column you can navigate to a symptom search engine, which leads you to possible causes, many of which have 3D graphics; to a doctor-finder; or to a treatment search.

One of the most compelling aspects, beside the graphic quality and workable 3D, is the ability of a user to share a body view, with email or by posting or sharing on social media. Unfortunately there is no news on apps for smart phones and tablets.

The project was a collaboration between Healthline, a consumer health information company, and GE Healthymagination, a Web platform for health-focused projects.

Other sources: Technology Review


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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