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Zend and RightScale Launch Open PHP Platform

Sweet Home Under White CloudsRightScale and Zend Technologies launched a platform this morning for deploying and managing PHP applications.

The RightScale Zend PHP “Solution Pack” combines the RightScale Cloud Management Platform with the Zend PHP architecture powered by Zend Server.

The service is another example of how platforms are becoming the most suitable method for developing, porting and maintaining applications in the cloud.


“Considering PHP’s ubiquity on the web, it wasn’t a question of if it embraced the cloud, but when,” said Stephen O’Grady, Principal Analyst with RedMonk. “With the recently announced RightScale/Zend partnership, the two companies are offering PHP users the best of both worlds, with the time to market of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and the flexibility of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).”

The service includes the following:

  • Pre-configured Zend PHP architecture to speed time to market
  • Autoscaling based on system and application load metrics, supported by load balancing
  • PHP session clustering for high availability
  • Redundant database with failover and recovery
  • System, server and application-level monitoring, alerting and diagnostics
  • Cloud portability

What’s noteworthy about the news is the portability.A develoepr may use the service and port it to a cloud environment of their choosing.

The service from RightScale and Zend is a powerful combination in a market that is just emerging from services such as Windows Azure, Echolibre’s Orchestra and phpfog.


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