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Who’s Using Virtualization? [Infographic]

Spiceworks logo 150x150 We cover virtualization often, including many case studies on how various organizations are using it. But new data from SpiceWorks gives a higher-level view of who is using virtualization by breaking it down by verticals. SpiceWorks examined data from “100,000 companies in Spiceworks of comparable size in over 100 countries” to produce some interesting insights.

Unsurprisingly, the software industry uses virtualization the most, and by a wide margin. Energy, aerospace and engineering follow. The least virtualized verticals are education, construction and legal.


Virtualization infographic

Spiceworks also did some marketshare analysis and found:

  • VMware has 80.1% market share
  • Microsoft has 15.1% market share
  • Citrix XenServer has 4.1% market share

However, it should be noted that Spiceworks is focused on the SMB market, not the large enterprise market so the breakdown of verticals and product market share could be quite different when large organizations are factored in.

RedMonk’s Michael Coté has some analysis of the results on the RedMonk Spiceworks page.

For much more on virtualization, see our Solution Series.


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