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Web Form Builder Wufoo Acquired by SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey, one of the Web’s preeminent tools for building interactive surveys, announced today that it has acquired Wufoo, a drag-and-drop service for building Web forms.

Wufoo was quick to assure customers that its popular tool would not be gobbled up and dismantled by SurveyMonkey, who plan on leaving Wufoo as-is but want to “nurture it and spread it as far and wide as possible.”


Part of how they plan on doing that is by letting the Wufoo team piggyback off SurveyMonkey’s infrastructure and other resources to expand to international markets, where SurveyMonkey is already available with multiple languages and currencies.

“We’re also excited about taking advantage of SurveyMonkey’s knowledge in scaling infrastructure so that we can meet the growing demand for Wufoo’s services,” Wufoo’s founders said in a blog post. “They’ve got an amazing track record of running large data collection systems for some of the most demanding clients for over 10 years.”

We’ve always been impressed by Wufoo, which was useful enough when it launched as a WYSIWYG Web form builder a few years ago. Since then, they’ve added all kinds of bells and whistles, including form usage reports, custom form designs, payment gateway integrations and complex form rules, which let you do some pretty neat stuff.

For a few examples of what can be done with Wufoo forms, check out our post on how to streamline workflow with Wufoo Web forms.

While Wufoo’s service and pricing will remain the same, the Wufoo team will be moving to Palo Alto to work out of the SurveyMonkey headquarters. The financial details of the acquisition were not revealed.


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