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Vacancy: Enterprise Editor

ReadWriteWeb is expanding our enterprise presence and so we’re looking to hire an editor for our enterprise channels. The person we’re after will already be a thought leader in the ‘enterprise 2.0’ space and will have experience leading a writing team. The position is Enterprise Channels Editor and will be responsible for ReadWriteEnterprise, ReadWriteCloud and our other enterprise-related blogs and subsites.

This position requires a solid journalistic or professional blog background. You’ll also need to have experience in setting an editorial agenda and managing writers.


If you think you’re qualified for this role, please email richard AT with your resume. In your email, tell me more about why you think you’re suited and list 3-5 examples of posts you have written about ‘enterprise 2.0’.

You’ll be joining a smart and forward-thinking enterprise team, anchored by Alex Williams and Klint Finley. I look forward to hearing from you!


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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