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This American Life Releases iPad App


Wildly popular public radio show This American Life has released an app for the iPad (iTunes link). The app was built by the Public Radio Exchange, the same organization that built the fabulous Public Radio Player iPhone app two years ago.

How is the iPad app? It’s ok. It’s certainly worth the $4.99 it costs, if you’re a fan. It’s a great way to listen to archives of the show. I can’t help but be disappointed though, to see that it’s read-only. There’s no way to discuss the content with other members of the listening community. Can you imagine how great it would be if text or even audio comments could be submitted, enjoyed and maybe voted up or down in an app like this? There’s so much potential here to augment the official content with discussion from topic experts and everyday people. Making the app another method of broadcast instead is disappointing. None the less, it’s a good app that makes it easy to consume great media.


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