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Spot O’ Tea With That? Flipboard Gets the Telegraph, Guardian & Royal Wedding

If you like tea with your crumpets and understand that Yorkshire Pudding is neither a pudding, nor dessert, then you might find your knickers in a bunch from excitement with the latest announcement from Flipboard.

The company announced today that three pillars of British life – The Telegraph, The Guardian and one Royal Wedding – are coming to the iPad app’s digital pages.


Flipboard has been on a roll lately, recently shocking onlookers with $50 million dollars in funding and a $200 million valuation. Before that, it had added legendary music magazine Rolling Stone and soon followed with the addition of media mogul Oprah.

Today’s announcement on the company’s blog brings the Royal Wedding, as seen through the pages of The Telegraph, The Guardian, OK Magazine, Brides Magazine and the Sulia Royal Wedding Channel. Beyond that, The Telegraph and The Guardian are jumping on as permanent content partners.

The Guardian comes on as "a central liberal voice in the British media" and the Telegraph "one of the most circulated broadsheets in the U.K. and defined itself as a leading voice in British media." Both have been around for more than 150 years and come with not only news from the U.K., but around the globe.


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