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OpenStreetMap Now Faster & Easier to Use

OpenStreetMapPotlach2.jpgGlobal collaborative mapping platform OpenStreetMap launched a beautiful new map editing interface today. Called Potlatch 2, the tool is the fruit of several years of development and is a big improvement in speed, responsiveness and flexibility.

OpenStreetMap is a great way to learn about the nooks and the crannies, the hills, valleys, parks, paths, monuments, parks, businesses, neighborhoods and more in your own home town or exotic places far away. It’s like the Wikipedia of world in local maps, but to date, it’s been a little challenging to fill up with rich edits. The improved WYSIWYG interface, vector background layers and improved undo function of Potlach 2 should make the service even more enjoyable to edit. The barrier to getting started is now even lower.


The editor is still in Adobe Flash and on a Mac that makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a fork, but the data loads faster now when you move the map. It’s not perfect but it’s a big improvement.


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