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More Images from the North Carolina Apple Data Center – Mission "Not Impossible"

apple_logo_150.jpg Something is just not right with the universe when data centers make people breathless. I had thought it might end after all the delight that came with the super big fans and chassis love that marked Facebook’s “Open Compute,” media blitz. Facebook data center party in Prineville, OR – woohoo!

Now comes the latest from rural North Carolina, all summed up quite well by long time Fortune editor Philip Elmer-DeWitt, who looks at Fox News wonderful speculation about the “more than iTunes,” data center.


The newscast has value if for nothing else that we get some more images from Apple’s Maiden, N.C. data center.

The Fox piece, as Elmer-DeWitt points out, provides all kinds of rumors about the new data center:

But thanks to its camera crew, we do get to meet aptly named Bill Wagenseller, the real estate guy who shot the first flyover, and Scott Millar, who is introduced as a Wall Street analyst but is really president of the Catawba County economic development corporation. Although the county’s building inspection office still hasn’t received any expansion paperwork, Millar likes the rumors that Apple might be doubling the size of the facility, from 500,000 sq. ft. to 1 million,

“I’m ready to get the phone call,” he tells the camera, “and to proceed with building anything they want.”

Love that. And we love the “Mission Not Impossible,” from the photographer who seemed to have no trouble getting a bit closer to the Apple data center:

Finally, here is the video Millar shot last year.


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