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Jive and Get Hitched by Appirio

Appirio logo Jive and have been seen as competitors since at least the announcement of Chatter, which brought into the enterprise 2.0 market. Jive has also started to encroach on territory by announcing its Jive Apps Market, a competitor to the AppExchange and platform.

But now, Appirio is making the two vendors’ services work in harmony.


Appirio announced this week a new series apps that will integrate customer relation management information from with the enterprise collaboration features of Jive. The first of these apps, part of Appirio’s CloudWorks line, is based around what Appirio calls “collaborative selling.”

The debut app is already available for Jive 5 beta customers, and will be available in the Jive Apps Market once Jive 5 officially launches. Future plans include applications for customer service, marketing, account management and partner management.

The Appirio services demonstrate the value that systems integrators and third-party developers can bring to applications and services that have robust APIs.

Appirio was founded in 2006 and os funded by Sequoia Capital and GGV Capital. It also offers integrations between and Google Apps.

This integration comes hot on the heals of the announcement that will integrate with QuickBooks Online.


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