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Humble Bundle Returns With Another Pay-What-You-Want Video Game Offer

humblebundle1502.jpgThe good folks at Humble Bundle are launching their latest project today: The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle.

I say “good folks” for a number of reasons. First, of course, it’s another pay-what-you-want deal, with which Humble Bundle has had great success in the past. You set the price you want to pay for a package that includes 5 great DRM-free indie video games. “DRM-free” and “indie games” – two more reasons to like the Humble Bundle.



In the past, the Humble Bundle has offered games from multiple sources, but this time around the titles are all from the Finnish game makers Frozenbyte: Trine, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, and Shadowgrounds. As a bonus, you’ll also receive Splot, which is currently in development, and Jack Claw, a prototype that unfortunately is only available right now on Windows (but the source code is included). The other games are available cross platform, in a couple of cases appearing on Mac and Linux for the first time, and can be redeemed on Steam and Desura (and Trine can be redeemed on OnLive).

These differences between platforms are interesting to watch as the Humble Bundle offer progresses, as in the past, Linux and Mac users have proven to be far more generous than Windows users. Linux users contributed twice as much as Windows users.

That generosity isn’t simply about getting a good deal on 5 indie games. When you purchase the games, you can set your price, then allocate how much of that goes to the game developers, how much to charity, and how much is a “tip” for the Humble Bundle itself (as Humble Bundle doesn’t have one of its own games in this package). As with the two previous bundles, the charities here are the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play. Last year, Humble Bundle raised over $1 million for these charities.


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