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Google Apps Enhances Android Security and Device Management Tools

Today Google announced a new version of its Google Apps Device Policy app for Android. New features include the ability to locate a lost or stolen Android device on a map, and remotely reset the PIN or password. The new version also includes the ability to encrypt all data stored on Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) tablets (previously, this feature was limited to phones).

Google also announced a new Android app called Google Apps Lookup. It enables Google Apps users to search their company directory from Android and quickly make calls or send text messages to colleagues.


Google Apps Android device tracker

Google Apps Lookup screenshot

Given that Microsoft and RIM will offer free hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Server as part of Microsoft Office 365 it makes sense for Google to expand its security offerings.

Device security is a hot space. Earlier this year, Motorola and Samsung both announced enterprise security initiatives for Android. Many new and established device management vendors such as Good, Mobile Iron and Zenprise also offer enterprise-level Android security and management.


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