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Evernote for Windows Gets Social

evernote_150.jpgThe note-taking and storage app Evernote is cycling through the various platforms, releasing updates and upgrades along the way. Most recently, it’s web app received a major redesign, and now it’s the turn for improvements to Evernote for Windows.

These improvements focus on the social and sharing aspects of Evernote, giving Windows users the ability to share notes for the first time. You can share individual notes to Facebook or Twitter or email. You can also share entire notebooks – idea when you’re working on a group project.


win_twittershare.pngThese shared notes can be viewed, but you have to be a premium subscriber in order to let others edit notes.

One of the benefits of shared notes and linked notebooks on the desktop is that they’re stored locally. That means you can access them even when you’re offline.

Another couple of minor, but useful additions to Evernote for Windows are aimed at writers: a status bar that tracks word and character count, the addition of CTRL+F (find and replace), and better and more consistent indentation.


As is the case with most of the improvements to Evernote, these new features for Windows users will likely make their way to other platforms soon.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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