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Creative Self Promotion Event – Win $100 in MOO Printing Vouchers

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Credit: Luisa Vidal on MOO

Need to put your name out there? Get the right peoples attention? Grab more clients? Who doesn’t right? It’s time to put together a creative self promotion.

FreelanceSwitch and MOO have teamed up to challenge you to think outside the box. Will you create a viral video to promote your freelance business? Design an awesome set of promotional postcards? Utilize multiple media to get your message out? Or will you do something nobody else has ever thought of?

Whether you’re planning a new creative self promotion, or have a great story to share about a successful promotion you’ve done in the past, we’d love to hear about it. Win One of Three $100 Printing Vouchers from MOO by sharing your creative self promotion story or ideas.

How to Enter

All you need to do to enter is tell us a story. Share your creative self promotion idea, share a success story, or funny failure about self promotion with the us in the comments below.

Entries close at midnight on Tuesday May 3rd, EST. Winners will be contacted within two weeks of competition close via email. We’ll have three randomly chosen winners. And we’ll announce them with an update to this post once chosen.

Terms and Conditions

  • This competition is not open to Envato or MOO employees.
  • Entries will be accepted worldwide.
  • If you do not respond within 7 days to a notification that you have won a prize, we reserve the right to select another winner.


Big thanks to our sponsor MOO who specializes in business cards and other unique printing options.

Photo credit: rights reserved by Luisa Vidal.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, General, Web, Web Design.

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