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Weekly Wrap-up: Color’s $41 Million Tech, Android Patent Disputes, 20 JavaScript Libraries for Data Viz and More…

weekly_wrapup-1.pngOn Thursday we interviewed the much-talked-about CEO of Color, Bill Nguyen, and the story ended up being our top post of the week. Color is the location-based photo-sharing app that raised $41 million before it even launched. That price tag – along with the underwhelming first impression the app makes – left a number of people questioning the sanity of the VCs involved. But Nguyen’s conversation with reporter Mike Melanson made a convincing argument that there may be more to Color than what meets the eye.

After the jump you’ll find more of this week’s top news stories on some of the key trends that are shaping the Web – mobile, location, Internet of Things, real time – plus highlights from our six channels. Read on for more.


Top Stories of the Week

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More Location coverage


More Mobile coverage

Internet of Things

More Internet of Things coverage

Real-Time Web

More Real-Time Web coverage


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Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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