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Twitter Was Born 5 Years Ago Today, @Jack Tweets the Story


“5 years ago today we started programming Twitter (‘twttr’ for short). 8 days later the first tweet was sent: #twttr,” Tweeted Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey this afternoon.

To mark the date, Dorsey is posting messages right now recounting the world-changing social network’s origins. We’ve embedded his messages below. It’s pretty heart warming.



It was a year later that I joined Twitter, personally. It was still small but very hyped up among San Francisco tech lovers. I thought it sounded like a waste of time, but signed up to try and catch some news at South by Southwest. Four years later, Twitter has changed my life dramatically. Thanks Jack and team for taking that leap. I look forward to reading Jack’s tweets about Twitter history over the next few weeks.

What are your first memories of Twitter, readers?


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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