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Most Small Businesses to Increase Spending on the Cloud

We’ve discussed previously how valuable cloud computing can be to small businesses, especially in terms of cost savings and efficiency, two hugely important factors for smaller operations.

Appropriately, a large majority of small and medium-sized businesses are looking to invest more in cloud services this year. Seventy-four percent of SMBs plan on spending more on it, according to a survey conducted by Egnyte, a provider of cloud-based file server solutions.


Whether out of geographic necessity or simply to keep costs down, many businesses are embracing remote working as a ¬viable alternative to the five-days-a-week, in-the-office work paradigm of yesteryear. More than half (52%) of SMBs are planning on spending more on collaboration software this year, according to the Egnyte survey.

Like many statistics we’ve been seeing lately, these numbers point to an emerging reality for small businesses where distributed teams and cloud-based software play an increasingly pivotal role.

To what extent has your company embraced remote working and cloud-based productivity software? Let us know in the comments.


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