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Look Out Farmville: Angry Birds is Coming to Facebook

For you 30-something geeks out there, Angry Birds may feel like a simple, dumbed down version of DOS-based video game classic Scorched Earth. For the rest of you, it’s simply one of the the most popular games on the planet.

If an Angry Birds movie and versions for nearly every smartphone on the market isn’t enough, it looks like it has the world’s largest social network in its sights. You guessed it, Angry Birds is coming to Facebook.


The game – in which you fling a variety of birds at things in hopes of knocking them over – is a complete blockbuster with more than 75 million downloads. Several different gaming blogs have reported that Angry Birds’ creator, Rovio, has told Wired UK that it is working on a social reinvention of the game for Facebook.

While Facebook Director of Gaming Partnerships Sean Ryan commented last January at the Inside Social Apps conference that Angry Birds “wouldn’t make a lot of sense” on Facebook, it appears that the company has taken heed by working on a specially socialized version of the game.

“If you have a single player game, it’s not clear why you should build it for us, you should probably build it for other people,” said Ryan.

Rovio studio boss Mikael Hed told Wired that the Facebook version of Angry Birds would have “completely new aspects to it that just haven’t been experienced in any other platform.”

Will Angry Birds take over as the number one game on Facebook? Can it compete with the crack-like qualities of games like Farmville and Cityville?


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