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Hacker Poll: What Do You Think of Firefox 4?

This morning, as Firefox 4 was officially released to the world, Mozilla Developer Evangelist Christian Heilmann tweeted “So IE9 was downloaded 2.3m times in a day – let’s see if that record gets broken today.” As I write this, Firefox 4 has been downloaded over 4.1 million times according to the Firefox Download Stats page. By the time I’m done with this post, I’m sure it will hit 4.2 million.

Does breaking Internet Explorer 9’s download record mean a comeback for Firefox? It’s still the second most popular browser after IE, and certainly has a better reputation than Microsoft’s much-maligned browser. But Firefox has lost market share to WebKit-based browsers like Google Chrome, which have a reputation for being faster and faired better in Acid tests.

What do you think of the latest version of Firefox?



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