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Free Full-length Professional Website Review Video

We’re constantly coming up with new ways to help website owners and web designers learn how to make sites better. Blogs, tutorials, and books are great, but they tend to be static and theoretical.

What you really want is to know to apply that theory to your own websites, the ones you look at every day.

That’s why we recently launched a new site called WebsiteWorks.TV, which takes an original approach to showing you exactly how a web professional will analyse and improve a real-world website.

In these 20-30 minute videos, you can follow me as I analyse a range of real websites, discover what works and what doesn’t – and then identify critical fixes.

I’ll show you the tools I use, the process I work through, and show you a wide range of tricks and techniques, which you can apply to your own websites.

Here’s a free full-length video of one of my site reviews. Head over to WebsiteWorks.TV to see the full set of marketing, e-commerce, and application sites.

Important Alert!

Subscribe to WebsiteWorks.TV this month, and you’ll get lifetime access for HALF PRICE.

Posted in Editorial Pick, General, Web, Web Design.

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