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Dot Obits: Supercomputer Scientist & Residential T1 Pioneer

andrews.jpgDr. Phil Andrews. Andrews was project director for the National Institute for Computational Sciences at the University of Tennessee at his death at 55 of a heart attack earlier this month.

Prior to Tennessee, Andrews worked for a decade as the director of high-end computing technologies at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California. His professional interests included artificial intelligence and 3-D software. But his interests did not stop at the edge of his lab.


dakota.jpgHe received degrees from Cambridge, Purdue and Princeton. At Cambridge he took part in track-and-field, throwing hammer, and played on the rugby team. After graduating and parallel to his professional life, he built a family and took up off-road racing and power-lifter. He was a published poet. Every death is a loss but holy crap, this guy was eight kinds of awesome.

Gregory Salgado. Salgado, a Cuban immigrant who built up several realty companies, including Real Renters LTD, Heim Realty and Structura LLC, died at 52. He was also a firm believer in the reality of technology. In the 1990s, he wired an apartment building in New York with the world’s first residential T1 connection.

Andrews photo from University of Tennessee | Dakota photo by Allison Harger


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