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De-Motivational Posters for Freelancers

Photo Credit: bernat… on Flickr

Motivational posters have graced the offices of businesses throughout the world. They typically contain an inspiring word followed by text designed to grab you by the neck and shake you into action.

They make me sick every time I look at one. So here are a few de-motivational posters to abase and darken your freelance office with. Warning, humor lurks ahead.

Photo Credit: Melissa Maples on Flickr

Photo Credit: Stian Eikeland on Flickr

Photo Credit: bjearwicke on Stock.xchng

Photo Credit: bernat… on Flickr

Photo Credit: Macke827 on Flickr

Photo Credit: Jay D on Flickr

Photo Credit: Manel on Flickr

Photo Credits: Todd Baker on Flickr

Photo Credits: alcomm on Flickr

Photo Credits: Jar0d on Flickr

Photo Credits: ewanr on Flickr

Photo credit: Some rights reserved by bernat…, Melissa Maples, Stian Eikeland, bjearwicke, Macke827, Jay D, Manel, Todd Baker, alcomm, Jar0d, ewanr.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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