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Code School: Browser-Based Participatory Programming Education

Code School is a collection of interactive browser-based tutorials, such as the Rails for Zombies tutorial we posted about last year. In addition to the free Zombies tutorial, it offers a $45 Rails Best Practices course. The site also promises courses on jQuery and HTML5 and CSS3.

The courses are a series of videos followed by specific code challenges that must be completed in order to move on to the next lesson.


Code School is run by Envy Labs, a Rails development and screencast production company.

I like this sort of hands on learning experience better than the traditional book or static website approach, but I’ve found these sort of tutorials few and far between. In addition to these, there’s the Hackety-Hack desktop application for learning Ruby, and the Web app it replaced.

What other interactive tutorials are out there?


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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