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Big Data Team-Up: IBM Netezza and Revolution Analytics Brining R to the Data Warehouse

IBM Netezza and Revolution Analytics announced today at the Predictive Analytics World event that the two companies are working together to integrate the statistical programming language R into Netezza’s Netezza TwinFin data warehouse appliance. The companies want to make it possible use R to process data on the data warehouse  appliance without moving to another system. This should enable much faster data processing.

Although no release data has been set, representatives from the companies say work on the project has begun in earnest. Select customers will beta test the integration in the coming months.


Revolution Analytics provides enterprise tools and support for R, which has broken out of academia as enterprises rapidly adopt it. Bank of America and Pfizer are some of Revolution’s most notable customers.

Revolution was founded in 2007. It competes with other commercial analytics vendors such as  IBM SPSS and SAS. In 2009, SPSS co-inventor Norman H. Nie joined Revolution as CEO.

IBM acquired Netezza in September. It competes with Oracle’s Exadata appliance.

Photo credit: nasa1fan/MSFC

Disclosure: IBM is a ReadWriteWeb sponsor.


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